Wise Parents
Raising with Wisdom, Guiding with Care

Parenting in the Digital Age: 5 Strategies for Raising Kids

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Parenting in the digital age has its own uniqueness and challenges. While technology has benefited families globally, it also introduces fresh issues for modern parents. Ubiquitous devices, social media, online risks pose developmental challenges requiring novel techniques. However, with care and communication, digitally-savvy parenting cultivates opportunity from change. This guide outlines research-backed methods for effectively navigating tech’s impact on raising thriving, balanced kids.

A warm, engaged home remains key for children’s happiness regardless of technology. Parents just need new tools for understanding and guiding their media experiences in age-appropriate, meaningful ways.

— Dr. Aric Sigman, psychologist and author of Screen-wise: Helping Kids Thrive (and Survive) in Their Digital World

Parenting Strategy in the Digital Age

Strategi#1: Set Clear Screen Time Rules

Establish rules like designated times/locations for devices balanced with tech-free downshifts. Respect developmental stages – toddlers favor real-world play over passive videos. Discuss positive goals versus bans (read books before screen time). Lead by example, including limiting your own use around children for meaningful engagement without distraction. Set device-free family time.

The goal isn’t to ban all technology but thoughtfully maximize its upsides and minimize potential downsides appropriate for each child’s needs.

Strategy #2: Promote Media Literacy Skills

Have ongoing conversations contextualizing online content and safety using kid-friendly explanations to build resilience versus fear. Teach secure passwords, not sharing personal info, how to ask for help, and that not all strangers mean harm. Praise discernment, not tattling. Co-play/watch with children to enhance understanding and guide choices.1

Strategy #3: Select Quality, Beneficial Content

Explore educational websites and apps together approving learning, creativity versus mindless entertainment. Familiarize yourself with ratings and privacy policies. Let interests guide choices while avoiding inappropriate, overly commercial options. Praise discovering new skills from positive influences versus fixed screen time.2

Strategy #4: Model Positive Online Behaviour

Children observe how you present yourself virtually, so represent values of respect, empathy and truth. Have gentle talks if they witness problematic peer interactions to cultivate discernment and comfort speaking up. Communicate openly without devices between you to encourage vulnerability and teach internet citizenship through your own leadership.3

Strategy #5: Embrace the Benefits of Tech

Within balanced guidelines, explore educational apps, coding programs and internet research together. Find offline alternatives if something causes concern without bans, like outdoor activities if excessive gaming. Capitalize on connectivity for long-distance relationships, sharing creativity, and learning about diverse cultures/perspectives through age-appropriate experiences.


With care and persistence, parenting in the digital age can successfully guide children’s digital development through communication, education and togetherness despite new challenges. Approaching technology’s role proactively and ensuring screen habits support overall well-being prepares kids for opportunities while avoiding potential harms in our connected world. With nuanced understanding drivingChoices, families flourish regardless of changing times.


  1. National Association for Media Literacy Education (n.d.). Media literacy defined. 
  2. American Academy of Pediatrics. (n.d.). Healthychildren.org. https://www.healthychildren.org/
  3. McGlynn, L. (2017, February 28). Children learn behaviours from parents’ digital habits. The Drum.
  4. Blake, S. (2020). The digital parenting dilemma: How to raise kids with technology. BusyKid Press.
  5. Vosnor, C. (2019). The hows and whys of media literacy: Empowering parents in the digital age. Common Sense Media.
  6. The Ultimate Guide to Early Childhood Education: 5 Essential Advices for New Parents
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